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Tuition Details

These details are current as of the 2024-2025 school year.

Registration Fees

Registration fees are based on the number of participation hours a family completes each year. Registration fees are $400 for the first student and $355 for each additional student, per year. (Note that these amounts include other fees that were separate from registration fees in previous years, such as supply fee, technology fee, and class party fee.)

Other Fees

  • Field Trip Fee - assessed during the school year, as needed
  • Yearbook Fee (Optional) - $40.00 per student
  • Milk Fee (Optional) - $25.00 per student
  • Graduation Fee - $150.00 per student (8th Grade Only)
  • Volunteer / Fundraising Agreement

Every registered family at Holy Spirit School is responsible for completing 40 service hours (20 hours for single parent households) and contributing $450 via school fundraising ($225 for single parent households).

Volunteer hours can be earned in a variety of ways including, but not limited to:

  • Participation in any fundraiser
  • Being a room parent
  • Being a library assistant
  • Coaching an athletic team
  • Participating in the Advisory Commission
  • Being a member of a fundraising committee
  • Participating in work parties
  • Hospitality roles
  • Publicity and Technology
  • Of the 40 hours, we ask every family to support the Auction or Crab Feed for a minimum of 10.

Fundraising dollars can also be contributed a variety of ways, including:

  • RaiseRight
  • Other fundraising: Auction, Crab Feed, Cookie Dough Drive, See’s Candy, Jog-a-Thon, etc.

Those who are unable or unwilling to volunteer or participate in fundraising have the option to buy out of those commitments.

2024-2025 Tuition Rates

Number of ChildrenParishioner Rate*Non-Parishioner Rate**
1$6, 447$7,800

* Parishioner: Involved, practicing, registered, contributing member of Holy Spirit or Our Lady of Mt. Carmel parish