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The Diocese of Sacramento requires every parish that operates a Catholic elementary school to establish and maintain an advisory committee, known as the Catholic School Advisory Commission (CSAC). While the school Principal remains directly responsible for his/her school’s curriculum, programs, and personnel, and reports directly to the Pastor, Director of Catholic Schools, or the Assistant Director with respect to these matters, the school Principal will work interactively with his/her CSAC to fulfill the Catholic School Advisory Commission’s responsibilities in the school’s Catholic Identity, parent engagement, strategic planning, facilities, marketing, and development activities.

Members of CSAC work for the common good of Holy Spirit School, and to advise Principal Fey when requested. CSAC members agree to support the school’s Mission Statement, promote the school’s Catholic identity, assure that any issues are presented and considered fairly and without bias, and maintain the confidentiality of any privileged information that may be discussed.

Goals, strategies, and tasks related to CSAC’s regular responsibilities are assigned to standing committees. Standing committees provide continuity for the ongoing support and stability of the school. Holy Spirit’s CSAC maintains the following standing committees:

  1. Mission Effectiveness
  2. Advancement 
  3. Facilities / Safety
  4. Enrollment Management
  5. Parent Engagement

New membership is determined each year by a nominating process and appointment by the school Principal.